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First painting assignment! Paint a scene using solids, gradients, 3D form and lighting, and one in a monochromatic color scheme. I love gouache but I forgot how annoying it can be sometimes..
I think they look nifty!
HAY GUYS! Animation stuff!!

Here's a bunch of sketches of my first character design for school.

She went through a few different designs.

Walk, run, jump!Everyone had to draw their character leaning on a cane like this.. I changed my cane to an axe last-minute..

Testing out masks and color-schemes in Photoshop!


About the Artist

Jessica Channer is a graduate of the BAA Animation program at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario. She lives in Toronto with her boyfriend and her evil cat. 

Her interests lie in illustration, comics, video games, and background painting for animation. 

When she's not busy drawing, Jessica is usually gaming, writing, or baking up a storm in her kitchen. She currently works at a bakery in Toronto, and is always looking for freelance work on the side.

Have a look at her demo reel right here!


I'm going to try this blogging thing out again. Last time was kind of unsuccessful since my computer blew itself up and everything went to hell. I supposed the one positive aspect about this is that I learned how to build a computer.
I could say that life is going relatively well for me right now. I ended up getting into Sheridan for animation, finally! So I hope I can fill this blog with whatever I'm learning in school, its going to be a long 4 years. I'm going to try and remember to take pictures of my baking as well and put that up here.. :)